Monthly Update

October 2024

This month will see the planting out in town.  The polyanthus plugs have been grown on at Uckham Lane Nurseries and will be planted out, together with Spring bulbs, in Battle on 24th October 2024.

Battle Town Council held a coffee morning at the Almonry on 10th October 2024 to invite new volunteers to meet the BB gardeners.  As with the trend of most volunteer groups nowadays, the event did attract any new volunteers but was enjoyed by the BB gardeners.

September 2024

This month all our polyanthus plugs arrive and the volunteer gardeners pot on the plugs at Uckham Lane Nurseries.  BB will also take delivery of 2000 bulbs for plant in the town in November together with the polyanthus plants.

           Potting on Polyanthus Plugs

                       Potting on Team

August 2024

Quiet month for the gardeners as it is the holiday season.   Pruning, weeding and general maintenance has been the main activity.

July 2024

Battle Brownies

Battle Brownies potted and grew on Gazania plugs at home and planted out in Market Square this month.

Rainbow Bed

Beautiful Battle gardeners planted the upper tier and Battle Brownies the bottom tier.

May 2024

Plants at Uckham Lane Nurseries ready to be planted out in containers and lamppost baskets in Battle at end of month.  

April 2024

This month BB gardeners started clearing the garden in the lower Almonry now that the contractors have completed work on the chimney (although the scaffolding is still to be removed).  BTC have contracted for the curved steps and the loggia roof to be repaired.  These areas are now cordoned off.  Plug plants will be arriving at Uckham Lane Nurseries soon and will be potted on for summer planting.
BB's Margaret Emeleus helped Battle's Brownies pot on plug plants for their @Grow Your Own' badge.

February 2024

This very wet and stormy month has hampered gardening in Battle with little maintenance being carried out as the weather conditions, and the state of the ground, were unsuitable for gardening.  Despite that the polyanthus in the tubs and containers are in bloom and the tulips coming through.BB has been informed by Battle Town Council that further work is to be carried out in the Almonry Rear Garden involving repairs to the steps and the loggia roof. It is unlikely that BB will be able to carry out any garden restoration work in the first six months of 2024.

January 2024

Beautiful Battle started 2024 at the 'New Year, New You' event held by the Battle Marketing Group at the Battle Memorial Hall. It was a well attended event and interest was shown by some attendees in possibly volunteering to work with BB gardeners. Elsewhere, BB is waiting for the completion of repairs to the Almonry Chimney so that BB gardeners can commence renovating the rear garden. Severe cold weather is hampering gardening this month.

December 2023

Another horticultural year comes to an end.  All containers are planted up with polyanthus and tulips.  Only gardening is weeding, pruning and maintenance.

November 2023

The Almonry and Battle Town were awarded Gold in the South & South East in Bloom Competition 2023. The Judge wrote:
Battle is a delightful town with a strong sense of community. Community involvement is key to Battle's entry, without the support of volunteers and co-operation of various groups, Battle Town Council could not achieve as much as it does. 
The Almonry is a delightful garden in the centre of Battle and, what was evident in the garden, was the dedication of the team of volunteers and they should be commended for their hard work and dedication.

April Update